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Top Best Stock Market and Brokerage APIs include Alpha Vantage, Yahoo Finance, Morningstar and more. Connect to the Bloomberg API. 6. Alpha Vantage. Alpha Vantage is an API that provides users with real-time and historical data for stocks, digital/cryptocurrency, and forex. Analysts and developers use this financial data provider. Users get a free API key that is painless, free, and eligible for life once they open an account. Foursquare API: Use the API to access Foursquare’s places database detailing users and merchants.
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The API also allows E*TRADE customers who currently use a third-party trading platform to view E*TRADE account and market information and place trade orders directly to E*TRADE from that platform. Top 9 Best Stock Market APIs (for Developers) [2021] Last Updated on January 8, 2021 by RapidAPI Staff 4 Comments. Whether you're building a algorithmic trading prediction app or charting historical stock market data for various ticker symbols, a finance or stock market API (or data feeds) will come in handy, Retrieve investment data from a broad coverage network that includes banks, brokerages, credit unions, and retirement plan providers Full breadth of account types Connect to the full breadth of investment account types—from brokerage and retirement accounts, to 529s and HSAs Yahoo Finance API was shut down in 2017. So you can see a lot of posts about alternatives for Yahoo Finance.
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